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Test 9-19



1) Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree):
   1   2   3   4   5  n/a 
Overall, I am pleased with the Club 
The Club is a good value for what I pay in dues 
The Club is well-managed 
The Club is well-governed 
The Club does a good job of planning & managing capital projects 
The lodge is clean and presentable 
Management is responsive to my needs 
The Club communicates well 
The business office is efficient and courteous 

2) What does the Club do especially well? (Use only numbers and letters in text box. For example, no hyphens, apostrophes, etc.)


3) Opinion of need for new chair lift:

4) It is possible that as part of the lift project we could add other amenities to the Club. Please rate the importance for each of the following items for consideration in this project (1 = not very important, 5 = very important):
   1   2   3   4   5 
Children's Instruction Center 
Groomed Snowshoe 
Groomed X Country 
Improved Lighting 
Lodge Improvements 
Magic Carpet (conveyer lift) 
More Child Care 
More Terrain 
Paddle Tennis 
Skating Rink 
Summer Activities 
Warming Hut at Top 
Zip Line(s) 

5) Please rate the importance of the following methods of financing a new chair lift:
 Acceptable   Very
Lump Sum Assessment 
Annual Assessment Payments 
Monthly Assessment Payments 
Higher Dues 
Membership Growth  
Combination of Dues/Assessment 
All of the Above 

6) If some or all of the assessment could be used as an advanced payment toward your final season of skiing (aka "Ski Off") please indicate how this would impact your decision to agree to pay the assessment:

7) I would be willing to make a private loan to the Club to help with the project:

8) What can Hunt Hollow do over the next 10 years to remain a vibrant and desirable club? (Use only numbers and letters in text box. For example, no hyphens, apostrophes, etc.)

9) Approximately how many years have you belonged to Hunt Hollow?

10) In which activities does at least one member of your family participate? (check all that apply)

11) Email (Optional)


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