Affinity Management
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Suggest a Future Topic

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion for a future web conference topic. We aim to have web conferences be relevant and helpful to club owners and operators, and your input is important and appreciated. Before making your suggestion please complete the first three yes/no questions, which are required, to help us better serve you. Note that providing your name at the end of this page is entirely optional.

Have you participated in previous Affinity Management Web Conferences? Yes   No  
Are you a subscriber to the free Affinity newsletter Memberandum? Yes   No  
Are you a paid subscriber to The Affinity Report? Yes   No  
What topics do you suggest we consider for future Web Conferences?

I would like to discuss this suggestion in more detail.
Please contact me.
I am interested in speaking to someone about Affinity Management’s services at my club.
Please contact me.

Contact Information
Club Name:
Email Address:


* Bold Fields are Required

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