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Bull & Bear Club Membership Survey

A. The Bull & Bear Club

1) Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree):
   1   2   3   4   5  n/a 
Overall, I am pleased with the Club 
The Club is a good value for my money 
Overall, the Club experience has met my expectations 
The Club is well-managed 
The Club is well-governed 
The Club does a good job of planning and managing capital projects 
I am greeted by name at the Club 
The Club is clean and presentable 
Management is responsive to my needs 
The business office is efficient and courteous 

2) Please rate the following aspects of the Club's food & beverage operation (1=very unfavorable, 5=very favorable)
   1   2   3   4   5  n/a 
Overall F&B Operation 
Food Presentation 
Food Quality 
Value for Dollar 
Menu Variety 
Wait Service 
Bar Service 
Facility Cleanliness 
Hours of Operation 
Staff Appearance 
Staff Friendliness 
Wine Selection 

3) Would you be interested in storing your wine at the Club for a corkage fee?

4) I would dine at the Club more frequently if:

5) I visit the Club this many times per month:

6) I would visit more frequently if:

7) In the last twelve months I attended this many specials events at the Club:

8) Rate your level of agreement with these statements (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree):
   1   2   3   4   5  n/a 
We need more member-only events at the Club 
We need more member-guest events at the Club 
We need more family-oriented events at the Club 
Special events at the Club are well-publicized 
Special events at the Club run smoothly 
Special events at the Club are a good value 
Members are encouraged to help plan special events 

9) I would attend more special events at the Club if:

10) I typically bring this number of guests to the Club per month:

11) I bring guests for the following activities (check all that apply):

12) The majority of my guests are:

13) Rate your level of agreement (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree)
   1   2   3   4   5  n/a 
I am proud to bring guests to the Club 
The Club makes a positive first impression on my guests 
My guests are impressed with the Club 
My guests are treated warmly by the Club staff 
The Club is a good place for the business entertainment 
The Club is a good place for networking 

14) I would bring guests to the Club more frequently if:

15) Have you hosted or sponsored an event or meeting at the Bull and Bear Club? (If you select no, skip to question 19.)

16) If yes, indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about your event at the Club?
   1   2   3   4   5  n/a 
My event ran smoothly 
Billing and administration was smooth 
Communications were courteous and professional 
The staff was friendly and helpful 
The Club was helpful with scheduling 
My guests were satisfied 
Overall, my experience met my expectations 

17) Please check all that apply in describing your event:

18) Which food services did your event utilize?

19) I would host events more frequently at the Club if:

20) What activities would you recommend the Club hold?

21) What does the Club do especially well?

22) How could the Club serve you better?

23) Primary reasons for joining the Club?

24) If you chose 'Other' above, please describe:

25) Would you recommend the Bull & Bear Club to a friend?

26) Does your employer reimburse you for membership and events?

27) How often do you order boxed lunches?

28) A Club representative has asked me for membership referrals in the past year.

29) I have one or more referrals that might join the Club.

B. Club Communication

30) Rate your satisfaction with the following ways the Club communicates with you (1=very dissatisfied, 5=very satisfied):
   1   2   3   4   5  n/a 
Weekly Email 
Club Website 
Club Board Updates (by letter) 
Accessibility and visibility of the Club Board Members 
Accessibility and visibility of the Club Manager 

31) How could the Club improve communications?

32) How many hours per week do you currently spend online?

33) From which location do you most often access the Internet?

34) Is your email address for personal or business use?

35) Rate the importance of each of the following website capabilities (1=very unimportant, 5=very important):
   1   2   3   4   5  n/a 
View monthly statements online 
Make dining reservations online 
Register online for special events and activities 
Receive timely emails about interesting events, activities and programs 
View detailed club calendar of events online 
Interact online with other members 
View photos of members and staff 
View recent news articles about the Club 
View menus online 
View reciprocal club information 

36) What additional comments would you like to make about your online communication needs?

C. Member Interests and Activities

37) Please indicate how important the following activities are to you:
Networking Events 
Adult Social Events 
Family Social Events 
Educational Events/Programs 
Youth/Children Programs 
Holiday Themed Events 
Corporate Outings/Events 
Reciprocal Club Programs 

38) To what other clubs do you belong?

39) Additional comments about your interests and activities that could help us improve:

40) What can the Bull & Bear Club do over the next 10 years to remain a vibrant and desirable Club?

D. About You

41) Please indicate your gender:

42) Please indicate your membership category:

43) Approximately how many years have you been a member of the Club?

44) What is your age?

45) Check all applicable age groups of the people that live in your household:

46) Household income

Thank you for your time. This survey is anonymous. If you wish to be contacted for follow-up or volunteer opportunities, please indicate your name and email (or phone). This survey is for Bull & Bear Club members only and should not be shared with others. Thank you for respecting the Club’s privacy.

47) Name (Optional)

48) Email (Optional)

49) Phone (Optional)

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