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Advisory Services FAQs

In what areas does Affinity consult?

Affinity is able to manage the entire club operation and is therefore well suited to add value on most aspects of club management. Past projects include, but are limited to:

• Membership Retention
• Membership Growth
• Marketing Strategy
• Management Overview
• Human Resource (Hiring, Firing, Training, Recruitment)
• Management Control and Financial Systems Checks and Balances
• Obtaining Lender Financing
• Expansion and Renovation Planning
• Food and Beverage
• Launch/Development of New Facility
• Rebranding/Re-launch
• Activity Programming
• Surveys

What if we want a quick, general overview?

Affinity frequently conducts general overviews of clubs - or overviews with an emphasis on a particular issue. These studies begin with a phone consultation, followed by a review of basic data from the club and then a site visit to the club and the primary competitors. The site visit is typically 1-2 days and includes interviews with management and the owner or board members as well as members and customers. A verbal synopsis is presented to the client at the end of the visit along with a Q&A session followed by a written report with findings and recommendations. An in-person final presentation is optional.

How are consulting fees structured?

Affinity can provide advisory services through hourly billing or on a project basis. In the case of a project or do-not-exceed amount, Affinity needs to fully understand the scope of work to provide an accurate proposal.

Does Affinity have a minimum dollar amount for a consulting engagement?


How can I obtain a list of Affinity clients?

Affinity's client list is confidential, but we will gladly provide references upon request.

How do I learn more?

Please contact us at 434-817-4570 or [email protected].  

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